Indie actress Radhika Apte has always come up with unique sartorial choices. Radhika's style is always minimal whether it's her hairstyle, makeup or outfit. She never carries too many elementswhich screams for attention and she is never overdressed. Radhika has always tried new outfits which makes her unique. Let's have a look at some of her unique choices, which has stolen millions of hearts.
1 Ruffled shoulders on a white samite dress with a décolleté neckline and a pair of sparkly shoes which consists of a diagram of heart on the waist and a write-up on the edge.
2 Secondly, her Emmy International Awards flowy gown is just unforgettable. The outfit was all in one which was paired with an ombre ring and a rusty orange lip with a velvet finish.
3 A pantsuit is always perfect for any event, but here Radhika Apte has worn it with a twist in it. A blue form-fitting pantsuit with a blazer like top and cutout waist. By pulling her hair back and the semicolon on the abs just made a statement and kept her look subtle.
4 Her next formal wear is just impeccable. Red and white striped shorts and a blazer with a white bralette, gold chains and nude heels just nailed her outfit.
5 Saree in grey! A perfect Indian outfit, a grey saree with a floral print on it and a white blouse, black bindi with a nude makeup was just a "gray number".
6 Lastly, in an inaugural event, she kept it simple yet classy by wearing a black and gold combo and strappy sandals. Straight hair and red lips just completed her "Golden Girl" look.
Radhika Apte was nominated, for her incredible performance in 'Lust Stories' at International Emmy Awards,2019. On the work front, Radhika Apte will next be seen in the film ‘Raat Akeli Hai’ alongside Nawazuddin Siddiqui, which the actress has already finished the first schedule shoot in Lucknow. Fans cannot wait to see what she has to offer with these new exciting projects and roles. With everything on a roll, we are totally rooting for Radhika to shine at the Emmys.