01/9Nail types that you should know of before getting a manicure done

Nail types that you should know of before getting a manicure done

That one day at the end of the week when you can really pamper yourself with either a spa time or manicure-pedicure is so refreshing and relieving. But there are times when we don't know a lot about what we're getting into or if it'll suit you or not. Yes, there are manicure treatments that are specially designed for your nail type. And if you're someone who loves experimenting with something extra, this informative article is all you need to read. Go follow the drama that is so in the trend nowadays and get such fancy nails done on your next manicure visit.


02/9Squoval nails

Squoval nails

These are the type of nails which can never go out of style and are pretty much the classic! Squoval nails are basically a mixture of square and oval shapes curved from both corners while the sides are straight. These kind of nails are very easy to maintain and are most preferable for office outings.


03/9Almond nails

Almond nails

These nails are a little longer than Squoval nails. They're slender and tapering on the top, which gives them more of an almond shape. If you think you can't manage the shape of these nails, you can opt for fake nails and your favourite pick of nail paint on them.


04/9Stiletto nails

Stiletto nails

Oh how wildly does Cardi B rock these nails! Stiletto nails are sharper on the tips and longer than almond nails. They're strictly for flaunting purpose only. Because by the looks of it, you can't get any work done with those delicate nails, can you?


05/9Mountain peak nails

Mountain peak nails

Mountain peak nails look like a combination of stiletto nails and almond nails, where the nail looks like an almond but with a pointy tip, which resembles a mountain peak.


06/9Edge nails

Edge nails

These nails have a less aggressive point on top than that of a stiletto nail type. The tips are filed in a narrow point in such a way that it forms into a ridge in the center of the nails which look like an edge.


07/9Flare nails

Flare nails

Just like the name suggests, these nails are flared upwards and out. Also called as the duck bill shape, these nails are wider on the outside with a straight tip.


08/9Ballerina Nails

Ballerina Nails

Ballerina nails are basically long tapering nails which have a straight cut on the tips. They look pointy and nicely finished at the same time. You can choose to wear these nails and get a good manicure done for a holiday outing.


09/9Lipstick nails

Lipstick nails

These nails are nothing but shaped like your lipstick bullet. They look fresh as the shape is quite unusual and still subtle to carry.
