01/6Did you know you were making these mistakes while washing your face?

Did you know you were making these mistakes while washing your face?

We're sure you already have your own skincare routine set in but that doesn't mean what you're doing is right. In fact, you may not even be aware of certain mistakes that you might be making while ensuring your face stays clean. This is why it becomes important to first learn how to do things the right way and then settle on a routine to follow. So, take a look at this list and see if any of the mistakes listed rings a bell in your head? And if it does, you better change your habits!


02/6Washing your face with dirty hands

Washing your face with dirty hands

One of the worst mistakes you can make while washing your face is to wash it with dirty hands. You must cleanse your hands before you apply facewash to your face or else bacteria can transfer from your hands to your face. And this is how you can end up with breakouts and acne as well as other skin issues.


03/6Using a sponge to wash your face

Using a sponge to wash your face

We don't really know who even advocated this idea because old sponges aren't exactly ideal to use on your face. If it's a new sponge then there's no problem in you using it but if it's an old sponge then it's probably harbouring bacteria that might be very bad for your skin and might lead to breakouts and acne.


04/6Washing your face with water that's too hot or too cold

Washing your face with water that's too hot or too cold

You shouldn't be using water that's too hot or too cold to wash your face with. While the former will just dry your skin out and cause dehydration, the latter will make your pores shrink and make it difficult for dirt and grime to be washed away. So, opt for lukewarm water instead.


05/6Washing the area around your eyes too harshly

Washing the area around your eyes too harshly

The most sensitive bit of skin on your face is the skin around your eyes. So, if you rub it too roughly or if you pull or tug on it too strong then it might damage your skin and might also cause it to become dull and less radiant. Make sure that you rub or scrub gently around this area so as to not damage it in any way.


06/6Not buying something with the right ingredients

Not buying something with the right ingredients

You should not be using products that do not suit your skin. For example, if you have oily skin then you need something that will help remove the oil without damaging the natural oils in your skin and if you have dry skin you'll need something with heavy moisturising agents. So, pay attention to the ingredients in the products you buy.
