Decoding the meaning behind certain dreams
Last updated on - Apr 15, 2020, 17:27 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
01/41. The falling dream
According to ‘Dream Dictionary’, the falling dream happens the most frequently out of all the dreams we experience throughout our lifetime. It’s believed to be a sign that something in your life is spiraling out of control. Falling dreams happen frequently when you’re stressed about losing something in your life, and are common in people who suffer from depression.
02/42. The dream where you’re being chased by someone or something
Pretty self-explanatory! Something in your life is stressing you out. You’re avoiding confrontation with someone or something. When you stop and face it, you’ll probably stop having this dream. And then you can go back to lovely dreams in which your teeth fall out or you feel that your house is haunted right after watching a horror film.
03/43. The dream where you’re back at school and failing your exams
Plenty of people still have the dream/nightmare of being back in college and worrying over failing a test even if they are done with their academic accreditation a while ago. Usually, these types of dreams relate to your job. Such dreams usually represent your fear that something bad is going to happen at work since back in school, passing the year was your main occupation.
04/44. The dream where you think woke up but you didn’t
This is most commonly referred to as a ‘false awakening.’ It happens when you think you’ve woken up and you’ve started going about your daily routine– brushing your teeth, checking your phone, getting dressed for work, making a cup of coffee, etc. These often occur when you’re nearly awake but not quite, so the best way to figure out is through the thoughts in your head.