01/5This is how the whole of a banana plant can be put to use for our health

This is how the whole of a banana plant can be put to use for our health

We all know that bananas are very beneficial to our health. But did you know that every single part of a banana plant can actually be put to use for health purposes? You read that right. This oh-so-healthy plant has health benefits in its fruit, flower, stem as well as the leaves. All of it is easily accessible and cheap too. This means it's quite a superfood for all of us. If you know little about all of it, this one is going to be a good read. After all, we all care a little too much about our health, right? So, put the banana plant to full use and you'll see the magic that it brings to your health.


02/5Banana fruit

Banana fruit

The banana fruit is very rich in nutrients and also carries vitamin C and vitamin B6 that helps the body in absorbing iron in a better way and also increases the haemoglobin count. Since the fruit has high levels of potassium, it is great in treating cholesterol and high blood pressure. Not just that, the banana fruit also cures constipation and stomach ulcers.


03/5Banana flower

Banana flower

If you're in a look out for preventing and controlling type 2 diabetes, you should put the banana flower to use. It balances the blood sugar levels in the body and is also antioxidant rich which makes it very healthy for the cells and is also anti-ageing. The banana flower contains essential vitamins and amino acids. It is also low on calories and boosts metabolism. Overall, the flower brings a lot of goodness to the health and keeps infections at bay.


04/5Banana leaf

Banana leaf

The banana leaf is edible by all means. The leaves have polyphenols like EGCG which is absorbed by the food and imparted to the body. This improves the cell health as well as digestive health other than being a great antibacterial. Also, banana leaves are great for the environment.


05/5Banana stem

Banana stem

The banana stem is filled with fiber and it also slows down the fats and sugar release in the body's cells. The banana stem juice helps in flushing out the toxins from the body ans is a diuretic which makes it one of the most effective ways to clean your system from all ailments. One glass of banana stem juice with a few drops of lime juice each day will help in preventing the formation of kidney stones and also relieves you fro heartburn and discomfort in your tummy.
