01/11Here's why it's time to start consuming grape juice regularly

Here's why it's time to start consuming grape juice regularly

From skin to hair, grape juice can benefit your health in numerous ways thanks to its high content of antioxidants. For centuries, grapes have been used for its potent medicinal properties. Sap from the grapevines was used in ointments to treat various eye and skin conditions. Some also like to consume grape juice for its detox benefits. If you aren't already receiving the health benefits of grape juice, here is why it's time to start consuming the beverage.


02/11May improve bone health

May improve bone health

If you want to improve bone health, you need to consume the right nutrients. Grapes contain high amounts of minerals - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamin K - that are needed to strengthen your bones. A study conducted on rats found grapes helped improve bone absorption and retention of calcium. More research is needed to fully explore the benefits.

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03/11May improve eye health

May improve eye health

If you are having trouble with your eyes, consume more foods like grapes to improve your situation. They are loaded with plant chemicals that can help protect you against eye disease. A study conducted on mice found grapes help reduce damage to the retina and improve retinal function.Grapes also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two antioxidants that can offer protection from blue light.

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04/11May reduce the risk of chronic diseases

May reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Grapes are a rich source of antioxidants that can help heal all the damage caused by free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress. This kind of stress has a strong link to diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Researchers believe red grapes have a higher amount of antioxidants. What's more, these antioxidants stay present even after the process of fermentation.

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05/11May protect against certain bacteria and viruses

May protect against certain bacteria and viruses

Many of the compounds found in grapes can offer a lot of protection from certain viral infections and bacteria. Because grapes are a rich source of vitamin C, it can help to give your immune system a boost. Some studies also suggest grape skin may help to protect against the flu. Compounds in grapes have also been found to protect against yeast infections from spreading.


06/11May reduce cholesterol levels

May reduce cholesterol levels

Grape juice contains certain compounds that can help decrease cholesterol absorption and reduce high levels of cholesterol. A study conducted on 69 participants found consuming red grapes daily for eight weeks helped lower bad cholesterol. However, the results were not the same when participants consumed white grapes. Make sure to consume red grape juice as often as you can.


07/11May lower blood pressure

May lower blood pressure

Grapes contain loads of potassium, which is a vital mineral that helps to maintain good blood pressure levels. If your body does not have enough potassium, your chances of developing high blood pressure increase. It also increases your chances of heart disease and stroke. One study conducted on 12,267 adults found those who consumed high amounts of potassium had a relatively low chance of premature death due to heart disease.


08/11Contains anti-cancer properties

Contains anti-cancer properties

Some research suggests purple grape juice may prevent DNA damage that could result in the development of cancer. One study found consuming grape juice daily helped to reduce oxidative DNA damage in immune system cells.Phytochemicals found in grapes have also been found to help fight colon cancer cells. However, researchers have yet to determine the inner workings that cause this effect.


09/11May help manage diabetes

May help manage diabetes

Oxidative stress is one of the factors for diabetes. Because this juice is a rich source of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, flavonols, and phenolic acids, it helps to get rid of free radicals that oxidize. Some studies suggest that grape juice may reduce insulin resistance. One study found a significant change in patients with type 2 diabetes's fasting glucose concentration in a positive way. However, experts urge the public to stay clear of packed juices as they can contain a whole lot of sugar.


10/11May protect against memory loss

May protect against memory loss

Concord grape is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that may have an impact on neuronal signalling. Your risk of dementia may reduce by regularly consuming this beverage. In a study conducted on 12 older adults, who suffer from memory loss, researchers had them drinking Concord grape juice for almost three months. The results showed an improvement in all the participants' cognitive behaviour and verbal learning. Researchers believe this is because resveratrol, a polyphenols, can have an impact on certain memory areas of the brain.
