01/5Sharing is caring

Sharing is caring

Beauty routine can be a great therapy for couples, especially now that you are in quarantine with your boo. Show your man or woman some love by together indulging in some TLC that your skin requires. But, wait you don’t have to shell out on purchasing a whole lot of new products. In fact, few products in your beauty vanity are already gender neutral. It is safe to share these unisex products with your bae. It is also a fun way to get close to each other. Most importantly, these beauty products will take care of your skin.

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Sunscreen is unisex and can be applied on both male and female. Don't skip this step even when you're indoor.

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03/5Face scrubs

Face scrubs

Whether male or female, we all deal with blackheads and whiteheads. Hence, it is important to exfoliate the skin from time to time. Pass that tube of scrub to your boo without worrying!

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04/5Face mask

Face mask

Whether it's a clay mask or a sheet mask, a face mask can be applied on both the genders. Just look out for the same skin concerns.

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Face wash are usually gender neutral if not targeting some specific skin concerns. It is safe to say that your face wash is going to effect your man's skin in the same way. Just find out what suits his skin type.

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