01/5Being organised can change your life for the better

Being organised can change your life for the better

Sometimes just thinking about the millions of things you have to do is enough to overwhelm and tire you out. When your life is a bit haywire, even the simplest of tasks can seem daunting. But getting organised can transform your life for the better. It may even help improve the quality of various aspects of your life. "At the end of the day, being organized is about having more time for yourself, and enabling you to live a more balanced life," Eva Selhub, M.D., author of Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Illness, Feel Better, and Live Longer, told a news portal. Here's how getting rid of the clutter and being organised can change your life for the better.


02/5May reduce stress and depression

May reduce stress and depression

A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that women who referred to their homes as "cluttered" were more likely to be depressed and exhausted. They were also found to have very high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Coming home to an environment that is a mess can have an impact on your mood, health and sleep. However, if you take the time to get organised, you will be able to get your tasks done and have more time to relax, which can help reduce stress and depression.


03/5May help you make better food choices

May help you make better food choices

A study published in the journal Psychological Science revealed that people who worked in a clutter-free environment for just 10 minutes made better food choices than those who worked in a messy space. "Clutter is stressful for the brain, so you're more likely to resort to coping mechanisms such as choosing comfort foods or overeating than if you spend time in neater surroundings," Dr Selhub told a news portal. So if you want to start eating better, get to organising.


04/5May help you stick to a workout routine

May help you stick to a workout routine

Making time to workout can be hard. But if you set a specific time just for fitness, you are more likely to stick with it. One study, published in the Journal of Obesity, found people were more successful at sticking to an exercise program if they had a plan and made a record of their progress. Applying your organisation skills to exercise can help you yield the results you want when it comes to losing weight and staying healthy. Make a weekly exercise plan and track your progress. Getting a good workout regularly can also help improve your mood and boost brain function.


05/5It may make you more productive

It may make you more productive

Multiple studies have found that clutter and mess can make it difficult for you to stay focused. Your brain can't manage to process so much information all at once. "Often, the greatest barrier to healthy habits is a lack of time," Dr Selhub told a news portal. Adding, "When you're organized at work, you're more productive and efficient, which means you're able to finish at a reasonable time and go home. This leaves you with the time you need to exercise, prepare a healthy meal, relax, and get more sleep."
