01/5Want to get bangs? Make your decision based on your face type

Want to get bangs? Make your decision based on your face type

Okay, let's just be honest for a moment here; we've all wanted to get bangs done at least one in our lives. Of course, while some of you may have decided to just get it done and over with, most others are too scared to try because let's face it, bangs don't really look good on everyone. Well, the truth is that bangs can look good on just about anyone but you have to get them cut according to your face type. So, if you're feeling a little gutsy and wouldn't mind experimenting with your hairstyle, opt for bangs but with your face type in mind.




If you're blessed with an oval face then rejoice because you'd look fabulous in almost any hairstyle. Your forehead is slightly wider than your chin and you probably have high cheekbones. When it comes to bangs, you should opt for ones that end right below your eyebrows so that they can help make your face look a little smaller and give it some dimension.




In square faces, the jawline tends to be a lot more pronounced than the other features. So the best type of bangs to have is thick-cut and brow grazing bangs. This way they'll help give your face more symmetry and will look a lot more flattering than other types of bangs.




A lot of people with round faces believe that they could never pull off bangs but that honestly is far from the truth. All you need to do is opt for thick-cut, side-swept bangs that extend mid-cheek. This type of hairstyle will help add an angular look to your face instead of highlighting the U-shape of your chin.




With heart-shaped faces, the forehead is wider than the chin is. So, you ideally need to opt for length over width. “Wispy fringe bangs are thin enough to magnify these areas, while playful enough to make a chic statement,” explains an expert.
