01/5Push Ups

Push Ups

This is one of the best forms of exercise one can do. Get down into a push-up position. Slowly lower your chest to the mat and focus on engaging your back muscles. Push back up to the top position. Repeat 3 times with 20-30 second breaks.


02/5Superman Hold

Superman Hold

It is a very good exercise to rid of your underarm flab. Lie face down with your arms extended up. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times with 20-30 second breaks.




This is one exercise you should do without fail. It helps a lot. Bend carefully. Spread your legs and arms. Hold for 20 seconds. This exercise is good for your overall body.


04/5Plank Rotation

Plank Rotation

One of the difficult exercises but the best one to do. Get down into plank position, with your hands straight under your shoulders. Twist your core. Bring your left hand to the initial position and repeat on the right side. Keep switching arms for 45 seconds. Repeat 3 times with 20-30 second breaks.


05/5Upright Row

Upright Row

You have to do is, stand up and hold the barbell (or dumbbells) with your hands. Raise the barbell until it reaches the top of your chest. Lower it back down slowly. Repeat thrice. This will be of great help.
