Arjun Rampal's ex brother in law, actor Amit Ajit Gill was arrested for betting on cricket matches, on Thursday by the Mumbai Crime Branch. According to reports from the Navbharat Times, it was revealed that Amit has even worked in a couple of Bollywood movies which have released in the past 2-3 months. Sources say that the Mumbai Police Commissioner has ordered a severe action against the stoopers, as well as those who play speculators along with the pitters. An action against Amit has already been taken.
The Bandra Crime Branch has also arrested six bookies in the last month. As per reports, it was learned that the actor was in the network of accused arrested by Bandra Crime Branch. The accused had created a special software for betting, which was linked to a server in Holland. The people of this racket were assuming that the Crime Branch would not be aware of this unique method of operation, but after the arrest, all the secrets were out in the open owing to the strict inquiry.
According to sources, a resident named Nikhil Ganatra from Thane used to buy this software from Ashish Sharma of Borivali and then would pass it to his other associates who are involved in the betting. They ended up keeping a tab of everything on their laptops and computers. Once all the calculations and collections were finalised and extracted by the pitters, they would delete all the data to avoid any kind of tracking.
One of the prime accused arrested in this case Nitesh Khemarya is basically a citizen of Hong Kong. He reportedly shifted to Mumbai just to carry on with the cricket betting and minting money through this criminal activity. He was introduced to this world of cricket betting by another accused named Deepak Kapoor, whom he met in Hong Kong. Deepak was a builder and an estate agent by profession, but when his business failed he entered betting. His entire group used to earn Rs 10-15 lakhs in every match.
So, what did you think about this spectacle? Stay tuned for more updates.