With a gripping storyline and a powerful performance by Rani Mukerji, ‘Mardani 2’ is garnering the status of ‘must-watch’ at the box office. The edge-of-the-seat thriller is inspired by shocking true crimes against women by juveniles. It sees Rani in a race against time to capture a brutal serial rapist who systematically targets women.
With appreciation from media and critics and hugely positive word of mouth, ‘Mardaani 2’ has a total collection of 10.35 crore net in two days only.
Apart from Rani Mukerji, ‘Mardaani 2’ marks the debut of two talented individuals – the director and writer of the film, Gopi Puthran and Vishal Jethwa, who brilliantly plays the spine-chilling villain, making the perfect nemesis for Rani’s character in the film. His pure evil act has earned him rave reviews and many have called him a ‘revelation’ of this year.
Rani will be introducing these talented debutants to the media tomorrow. She will address a press briefing with Gopi and Vishal and the three are expected to share several unheard anecdotes from the film’s shooting with the gathering.
“Rani is deeply attached to the two debutants Gopi and Vishal and she will be presenting them to media and introduce them. Gopi and Vishal have both given their all for the film and it shows in how the project has been received. Rani wants to tell media about the hard work that the two debutants have tirelessly put in for the film for it become such a success story. It will be a reunion of sorts for the Mardaani 2 team at this event and they are expected to share many anecdotes about working with each other,” informs a source.