All the beauty benefits that almond milk can bring to your skin
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Last updated on - Jul 22, 2019, 11:06 IST01/8Almond milk does wonders to your skin and how!
There are various natural ways to keep your beauty intact. There are people who prefer natural remedies over other expensive products in order to keep the skin healthy, soft and tight. Almond milk is one of those alternatives that you should be choosing for achieving great skin. Almond milk is not just tasty but also really rich in vitamin B, calcium, protein and iron. All of which works wonders for not just your skin, but also your hair and nails. Hence, switch to almond milk if you wish to keep your skin looking clean, supply and healthy for the years to come.
02/8Acts as a nourishing face wash
You can very much cleanse your face every single day with the help of almond milk. It contains vitamin E which nourishes your skin cells and keels the skin supple. Pour some milk in a bowl, soak a cotton ball in it and wipe it gently on your skin. Once you're done, wash it off with cold water and you'll get fresh and healthy skin.
03/8Rejuvenates skin
Almond milk rejuvenates your skin magically. It is very nourishing for your skin and moisturizes your facial skin all too well. This lets the skin look fresh and healthy at all times.
04/8Beneficial for sensitive skin
Some people have really sensitive skin and for them, almond milk can work wonders. Add 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk to your warm bath and soak your skin in it for 15 minutes. You could also apply the almond milk directly on the affected areas and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it all off.
05/8Has anti-ageing effects
Almond milk is infused with flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants. They help in protecting the skin cells from oxidizing and dying off by fighting free radicals that cause this. This helps in doing away the wrinkles and fine lines on your skin.
06/8Decreases acne
There are people for whom dairy might trigger acne. But if you suspect cow milk to be the reason behind your acne, you should try switching to almond milk. It's a non-dairy milk like coconut milk which contains vitamin D and calcium that helps you get rid of acne on the skin.
07/8Helps in skin lightening
Did you know that almonds have the ability to whiten the skin? Almond milk can work very well if you desire to lighten your skin tone. Store the milk in a spray bottle and spritz your face with it at every interval in order to achieve brighter skin.
08/8Improves dry skin
If you're someone who's dealing with dry skin, almond milk should be a great help to you. This milk has the ability to bring back the lost moisture from your skin cells and keeps them hydrated. Make sure you form a habit of applying almond milk on your skin using a cotton ball and let it misturize your skin by letting it dry up before you gently wash it off with water.