Things you need to know about pimple patches before you put them to use
People with acne issues are constantly in search of ways and solutions to get rid of them as they don't want to deal with more skin problems. Some rely on home remedies while others turn over to investing in beauty products to do away with all those acne and pimple issues
Dhwani Vora | Feb 19, 2020, 09:21 ISTSince each one of us have a different skin type, we have different skincare routines to suit our skin. Although, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, it only means that you need to take more care of your skin as it is at higher risk of breakouts, acne and pimples. People with acne issues are constantly in search of ways and solutions to get rid of them as they don't want to deal with more skin problems. Some rely on home remedies while others turn over to investing in beauty products to do away with all those acne and pimple issues.
While there aren't enough remedies for the times when you get one odd pimple, one quick way to get rid of it is by using a pimple patch. These are the small circular patches that consists of salicylic acid and hydrolloid which helps in curing breakouts. These patches work in a way where they absorb the excess oil and dirt and in turn unclogs the pores which clears the pimples. You can apply this patch over the affected area and leave it there for about 8 hours for your pimple to dry up.
It usually takes up to 1-7 days to get rid of pimples and it also depends on the type of pimple treatment that you use. There are many benefits of using these pimple patches as it prevents you from touching your pimple and causing it to spread. Many people simply pop the pimple which can leave a mark on your face for a long time. Hence the pimple patch only works as a barrier between the pimple and your urge to keep touching it till it pops. There are also a lot of people who have different skin type and a pimple patch may not work for them. However, you need to remember that you cannot cover your skin with these patches if you're already dealing with a lot of breakout issues. Lastly, it's always better to consult a dermatologist and get more understanding of your skin.