Now that you've been stuck at home for a while due to the lockdown, we're sure you've taken this time to opt for some much needed DIYs. After all, when else are you going to get the chance to experiment this much? However, there is one ingredient you might have been missing out on and that ingredient is tomato. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, tomatoes can work wonders for your skin whether it's to get rid of acne, pigmentation, tanning, spots or even balancing your skin's pH levels. So, if you're looking to incorporate tomatoes into your beauty routine, here are some DIYs you should begin with.
To get rid of tans: In a bowl, add the pulp of one tomato and a teaspoon of honey and mix these well. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
To make a scrub: You'll need two tomatoes, two lemons and five tablespoons of sugar. Blend these properly and you'll end up with the perfect exfoliating scrub. Apply to your skin and massage for a few minutes. Leave it on for a few more minutes and then rinse.
To soak up oil from your skin: All you need to do is cut up a tomato into halves and rub them onto your skin for at least a week and you'll start to notice the difference in oiliness in your skin.
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