With 40 coronavirus positive patients in India alone, the cases of COVID-19 are shooting up around the globe. Amid the outbreak, there’s panic among people, followed by misinformation about the coronavirus virus family. What’s currently adding chaos to the situation is the flu season. It might seem the WhatsApp forwards and random pieces of advice on the internet will tell you if it’s a common flu or COVID-19, one must only rely on expert advice. Most importantly awareness is required to identify each of the two viruses for a better diagnosis.
Some of the common symptoms of the COVID-19 include runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever along with breathing issues in severe cases. Whereas people experiencing influenza or flu get a dry cough or with phlegm, fever chills, muscle aches, congestion, runny nose, headache, and fatigue. In severe cases, patients can do feel nauseous, soreness in their throat or even swollen lymph nodes.
Both the illness is caused by two different viruses belong from a different family.
Flu will die in a week or more whereas there’s still no answer to when or if at all COVID-19 will naturally go down.
The flu or influenza is at its peak in winter and slowly fades by spring. It is difficult to predict the same for the coronavirus. However, the fatality rate around the globe is even less than one percent of people who suffered from common flu this season. COVID-19 on the other side has alone caused an estimated 3.4 percent of death across regions.
Although there are similar symptoms of any other viral infection, such as cold, fever and runny nose. Experts suggest that on experiencing similar symptoms one should get tested for flu initially. In case of a negative result, it is advisable to undergo ‘PCR Throat swab culture’ which can indicate your chances of catching COVID-19.
Currently, antiviral medications are being tested to diagnose the coronavirus to eradicate it. Meanwhile, it is wise to take effective measures to prevent both the viral diseases.
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