DIY banana peel face masks that will help resolve all your skin issues!
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Last updated on - Mar 17, 2020, 12:56 IST01/5These DIY banana peel face masks are all you need for glowing and radiant skin!
We Indians are obsessed with bananas be it cooking the fruit or using its leaves as crockery. And let's be honest, bananas are a versatile fruit. They also host a plethora of health benefits and what's more, even the peel is known to have multiple qualities. Banana peels are said to be rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and various minerals such as iron, potassium and zinc which can help give your skin that much-needed glow. So, if you're looking to get rid of your skin issues, here are some DIY banana peel masks that will come to your rescue.
02/5To prevent premature skin ageing
You'll need one banana peel and one egg. Grind the peel to make a paste and then add the egg to it. Mix these ingredients well and apply the paste evenly to your face. Let it sit for a good 20 minutes before you rinse it off with cold water.
03/5To get rid of dull skin
Take the peel of one banana, 2 tbsp oatmeal powder, 2 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp raw milk. Mix all of these ingredients and mix them well to make a thick, consistent paste. Apply the paste to your face and massage it well for about 5 minutes. Let it sit for an additional 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off afterwards.
04/5To get rid of oily skin
You'll need 1 tbsp mashed banana peel, 2 tsp egg white and 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix the ingredients well and make a paste. Apply the paste to your skin and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Once done, wash it off with lukewarm water.
05/5To remove blackheads
For this, you'll need 1 tbsp mashed banana peel, A pinch of baking powder and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients well to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wipe it off using a wet cloth and then pat your skin dry.