01/5These Foods will help you gain weight quickly

These Foods will help you gain weight quickly

In today’s world, everyone wants to shed those extra layers of fat because their year-old swimsuit doesn’t fit them anymore. Similarly, there’s also a percentage of people, like you and me, who are willing to gain the right amount of weight. It’s not that simple. Fast metabolism doesn’t let clinically underweight people gain the required amount of fat and muscles. Whether you are someone who is underweight or simply tired being called ‘skinny’, the principle to gain a healthy amount of weight is right here. Read on to find out some effective foods to quickly gain weight-the healthy way!

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Milk is a rich source of protein and calcium. Alone milk is great for building strength in your body. Add banana along to your glass of milk to speed up the weight gain or simply stir in some sugar for a dose of extra calories. For lactose-intolerant people, almond milk is a great substitute.

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03/5Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter comes packed with calories. Add peanut butter to your toast or shake and it will keep you full for a long time. It tastes so good!

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An egg is a powerhouse of proteins, fats, and vitamins. Make sure you include some in your daily meal to see some significant changes. Also, who doesn’t love eating eggs?

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Have you seen people trying to lose weight avoiding potatoes? You should do the opposite. Potatoes are rich in starch and carbohydrates. It accelerates weight gain and provides you ample energy for the day. More reasons to eat French fries now.

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