11/16Apple chips

Apple chips

Can we ever say no to apples!? Apples in any form are healthy and you know it! Try on some apple chips and they might just turn out to be your favourite.

Photo credits: Google images


12/16Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale Chips

Not all of us likes kale in salad form. But then you can always experiment a little and try your hand at baked kale chips. They're such a healthy option and quite a refreshing taste to try.

Photo credits: Google images


13/16Cool Ranch Zucchini Chips

Cool Ranch Zucchini Chips

All the zucchini lovers, this one's for you! Did you know you can fancy some cool ranch zucchini chips instead of the usual potato chips to do away with your salt cravings? These ones are going to be the best option to pick on, we're not lying.

Photo credits: Google images


14/16Crispy Eggplant Chips

Crispy Eggplant Chips

This is a little dicey as not everybody likes eggplants, let alone to imagine it in the form of chips. But if you're someone who doesn't mind eggplant chips or at least experimenting with healthier chips options then crispy eggplant chips are the ones you need to try.

Photo credits: Google images


15/16Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips

Another great option to potato chips is sweet potato chips. And to make the most of the crunch, slice the sweet potato really thin and you'll enjoy maximum crisp chips. They're also very easy to make at home, so guess who's not spending on packaged chips? You!

Photo credits: Google images


16/16Parmesan Squash Chips

Parmesan Squash Chips

These ones are going to be quite a new option to pick but trust me, these ones are going to be one of the best picks for you if you really are into experimenting with your chips options. Munch on a few of these and you'll realise what were you missing out on.

Photo credits: Google images
