Step-by-step guide to treat damaged hair
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Last updated on - Jul 9, 2019, 17:14 IST01/5Here's how you achieve healthy hair
We tend to put our hair through a lot of things that may not always be good for us. Styling products, heating tools and overdrying or blow drying can damage our hair significantly. Then there's split ends and hair breakage to deal with too. There's no doubt that maintaining healthy hair takes work. The best way to restore the health of your hair is by setting up a good hair care routine to nurse it back to health. Here are science-backed ways you can treat damaged hair.
02/5Stop overwashing your hair
Are you overwashing hair? If the answer is yes, then stop immediately. Your hair is more prone to damage and breakage when it is wet. That is why it is ideal to wash it only a couple of times a week. This helps to protect the hair from a host of issues and maintain good pH levels. Choose shampoos that are preferably sulfate-free and won't strip away the natural oils. A little effort to change your shower routine can help improve the health of your hair in no time.
03/5Brush your hair the right way
Brushing your hair is the most basic routine we all do. But if you have damaged hair, you are probably doing it the wrong way. Brush your hair only once a day when it is dry. Use a wide-tooth comb if you have curly or wavy hair and absolutely need to brush it out when it's wet. Avoid brushing from the root and then pulling your hair down as it can cause hair breakage. Comb it out in small sections starting from the bottom.
04/5Avoid hot tools
If you want healthy hair, you need to stay away from heating tools. While they can help style our hair the way we want -curly or straight - these tools can cause damage because of the heat. How you dry your hair is also important to maintain healthy hair. Researchers have found a hair dryer may do less damage than air drying. Use water-wicking hair towels so your hair dries faster.
05/5Ensure you take care of your scalp
Everyone knows to treat damaged hair or maintain healthy hair, you have to start treatment at the scalp. Regular scalp massages can help to stimulate hair follicles and improve hair growth. If you have severely damaged hair, its' time to start applying a nourishing oil all over your scalp. Apply the oil on your hair regularly so it heals faster and you can show off your gorgeous mane.