01/12Strategies to deal with everything negative in life, 'cause who needs that added stress, right?

Strategies to deal with everything negative in life, 'cause who needs that added stress, right?

We’ve all experienced the side effects of a negative friend, colleague or co-worker, perhaps working with someone who is constantly complaining or is constantly jealous of your achievements. It could even be someone who complains endlessly about his/her job but never offers any solutions. Well, that's the kind of 'negativity' we're talking about here today. Each of us come with our own baggage and who needs to carry someone else's, right? These negative people are markedly pessimistic and will exhaust anyone. Destructive energy and drama follow them everywhere and if you aren't careful, you might become part of their chaos!


02/12Learn to not take things personally

Learn to not take things personally

To not “take things personally” is much easier said than done. Some negative people after all will – at times – concentrate all of their vitriolic behaviours onto you. Also, taking things personally will not lead you to any correct conclusions. For the negative ones, the only possible outcome is a perceived “victory” and that they’ve managed to “hook” you.


03/12Be compassionate

Be compassionate

Many people who act irrationally and negatively sometimes do not intend to do so. Hence, while we urge you to not contribute to their negative attitudes and behaviours, try to see their behaviour for what it really is which is basically an act of depression, desperation and impulsiveness.


04/12Smile more

Smile more

Sometimes a negative person’s perception of the world around them seems skewed. This can be attributed to anything, from childhood experiences to their experiences at home or at work. The simple act of smiling will help you maintain a positive disposition and that’s enough to challenge negative perceptions indirectly.


05/12Maintain a realistic POV

Maintain a realistic POV

As compassionate and caring people, try best to accommodate and influence others that hold a more pessimistic, negative frame of mind. Remember that your realistic point of view will empower you to fight negativity and it may be necessary to end ties if their negative behaviours continue to trespass your positive attitude.


06/12Set clear boundaries

Set clear boundaries

Don’t feel pressured to sit and listen to a negative person. Before you know it, their negative attitude might seep into your life. Set limits and put some distance between yourself and this individual. Try to keep your interactions short and talk when spoken to. There is no need to indulge anymore than that. Setting boundaries physically and mentally are things we all need to learn in life.


07/12Avoid complainers

Avoid complainers

People who complain about every single thing in life will never be able to enhance it. In fact, they will only bring negativity and unhappiness in your life. They will knock your ideas down and suck you into their emotional pity parties. Only deal with such people if you absolutely must!


08/12Weed out negative employees

Weed out negative employees

Your company culture is a critical part of your life and as a boss, of your brand even! One toxic staff member can affect the entire culture of your business. Formerly, the other employees might seem positive but soon, you will see them adopting the attitude of the negative co-worker. The quicker you deal with a negative co-worker, the quicker you will be able to resolve the situation.


09/12Choose your battles correctly

Choose your battles correctly

Don't engage everytime someone irritates you. Not only will you be seen as argumentative, you’ll be welcoming the toxicity into your own life. Rather than arguing back, try ignoring it. If you cannot do that, try to simply control your emotions and prevent the situation from escalating. Walk away from unnecessary conflict.


10/12Don’t over analyse the situation

Don’t over analyse the situation

Negative people often behave irrationally. Do whatever you can to prevent yourself from becoming emotionally invested in their issues. Not only will you save valuable time of your own but it will also ensure some mental peace and calm in your life.
