These habits of yours could be stunting your hair growth!
Now, that there are a plethora of hair care products in the market, we've all tried and tested as many as possible and if that hasn't damaged our hair we don't know what else it's done. Plus, we're all used to doing certain things to our hair that could stunt its growth
Alisha Alam | Oct 8, 2019, 10:40 IST
If there's one thing every girl dreams of it has to be having long, strong and shiny hair. And yes we're aware that this sounds like an advertisement but there is some truth to it. Now, that there are a plethora of hair care products in the market, we've all tried and tested as many as possible and if that hasn't damaged our hair we don't know what else it's done. Plus, we're all used to doing certain things to our hair that could stunt its growth. Here's what you might be doing wrong.
Hair spa: We're sure your parlour wali aunty has promised you luscious and gorgeous locks once you get that hair spa done but what she fails to mention is that these procedures include subjecting your hair to products that are full of chemicals. These chemicals can affect your scalp and can make your hair grow at a slower pace.
Styling: Using a hairdryer or a styling iron might help your hair look fabulous but overusing them could cause your hair to become brittle and start breaking more easily. This can also stunt hair growth.
Washing too often: Your hair and scalp has certain natural oils that help keep the balance in place. When you wash your hair too often, the natural oils in your scalp can get stripped away and can make your hair follicle dry and loose.
Brushing the wrong way: Start brushing your hair from the bottom up so that you remove tangles along the way. Brushing your hair the wrong way can also damage your hair follicles and can stunt hair growth.