01/6Signs that will indicate that you should break up with your BFF

Signs that will indicate that you should break up with your BFF

We've all probably faced at least one heartbreak in our life. But when it comes to relationships, heartbreak is pretty common. What isn't common though is a breakup among friends. We grow up to believe that our friends are always going to be around no matter what. But there are multiple factors that can affect friendships and sometimes you end up feeling like putting up with someone's behaviour is just not worth it. And as awful as that may feel, sometimes it's just better to pick up on the red flags and move on. So, if you're wondering whether you should break up with your BFF, here are some signs that will indicate that you should go through with it.


02/6She keeps giving you back-handed compliments

She keeps giving you back-handed compliments

You best friend is supposed to support you no matter what your choices are. Instead, if she keeps picking apart all the things that you choose to do, she isn't really your bestie. Compliments like "You look great after losing weight but something needs to be done about that belly," isn't really a compliment at all. She's just trying to bring you down and make you feel bad.


03/6They're interfering in your growth

They're interfering in your growth

Anyone who believes that people don't change over time has clearly not met a lot of people. Change is something we all go through. We constantly evolve and grow and that is just a part of life. So, if you feel like you're growing into a better version of yourself and that your friend is constantly hindering that growth then maybe it's time to choose yourself over them. Nobody has the right to question the way you are or want to be.


04/6They don't do as much for you as you do for them

They don't do as much for you as you do for them

More often than not, friends take each other for granted. And even though you might not want to admit it, we're sure there are times when you've gone above and beyond your limits and capabilities for your BFF. So, yes they might appreciate the gesture but think to yourself whether they'd help you out like you help them. If the answer is no, then you should probably move on from them. Friendships are also a give and take system. Unless both people put in equal efforts, it's just going to die down.


05/6They add no value to your life

They add no value to your life

We know this sounds a little mean and also selfish but we all have people in our lives who serve a purpose. If your BFF does not support you or help nurture you in any way then maybe they're not worth anything in your friendship. The least a friend can do is be there for you when you need them and if they're unable to even do that then you should really cut this person out of your life.


06/6They constantly bring you down

They constantly bring you down

Yes, as a friend it is important to tell the truth to your friend whether it's good or bad. If your friend believes that you're doing something that is not right, they can tell you how they feel about it. But that doesn't mean that they should constantly be bringing you down about every little thing. If they constantly nag you about the way you are or the choices you make, remind them that they're also a part of your choice and then walk away from such toxic people.
