11/16Share his interests

Share his interests

Don't you love it when your boyfriend agrees to watch cheesy films with you? Well, he wants you to share his interests too. Maybe he likes a particular sport that he wants you to watch too. Or maybe he likes video games and would like you to play. For his sake, just try a few things he likes and see how they go. You never know you might just end up having a lot of fun.


12/16They want you to take control

They want you to take control

Ok, let's be honest. Doesn't it get tiring sometimes to have to plan everything by yourself? Your boyfriend can feel the same way too. Maybe it does become too much of a hassle for him to always plan the date or figure out which movie to watch or what to eat. Sometimes, all he'd want is for you to take charge of things.


13/16A timeout

A timeout

Don't you enjoy hanging out with your girl gang from time to time? Well, we're sure he feels the same way about hanging out with his friends. Just because the two of you are dating, doesn't mean you should be joined at the hip all the time. If he wants his space, give it to him. Let him have his timeout.


14/16A 'me' time

A 'me' time

Like we just mentioned, men like their ‘me’ time just as much as women do. Maybe he wants to just spend some time lazing around and playing video games or munching on some chips. But whatever it is that he needs to do, leave him be. Let him enjoy his alone time before he comes back to you all refreshed.


15/16They like attention too

They like attention too

It's a given that men don't really share their feelings as often as women do but that doesn't mean they don't want your attention. They might be really subtle about it, but deep down, they like to be loved and cared for just as much as you do.


16/16Stay away from too much family

Stay away from too much family

Sometimes, attending family dinners and get-togethers can become super tedious. While you both might have developed certain relationships with each others' families, there's no denying that ultimately you have to put up your best face at these occasions and act all formal. So, try and give these things a miss from time to time.
