Recently, Yash Raj Films announced that they were coming up with a sequel to 'Bunty and Babli' and they've ensured the audience that the reboot is being made on a scale that will leave them thrilled. As per reports, the entire 'Bunty and Babli' team is travelling to Abu Dhabi to shoot an elaborate sequence in the middle east. YRF is ensuring that their cons in the sequel give out a larger than life image.
“'Bunty Aur Babli 2' will be the quintessential Hindi film that will be presented as the big summer entertainer to the youth and family audiences. We are clear that given it’s a sequel to a much-loved film which is set in today’s time, the cons need to be crafted for today’s audience who will expect something new and slick. They will get exactly that when they see the film in theatres,” informs Varun Sharma, the director of the film.
Varun adds, “We are shooting a highlight con in Abu Dhabi. The landscape of Abu Dhabi just gives a lot of scale to the film and the team is going to spend around 10 days shooting the con and also some parts of the film. We want to make 'Bunty Aur Babli 2' a cool entertainer for all.”
What's more, the sequel is also set to introduce an incredibly fresh pair as the new talented conmen. While Siddhant Chaturvedi who rose to fame as MC Sher in 'Gully Boy' is playing the role of Bunty, Sharvari, a newcomer who was discovered by YRF two years ago is playing the role of Babli.
The film, in an exciting casting coup, also reunites Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji and will present them as the original Bunty Aur Babli in the film! Saif and Rani were a blockbuster Jodi as they delivered big hits like 'Hum Tum' and 'Ta Ra Rum Pum' and were celebrated as a pair to watch out for given their infectious chemistry.
Produced by Aditya Chopra, 'Bunty Aur Babli 2' will be directed by debutant Varun, who worked as an Assistant Director in YRF’s biggest blockbusters 'Sultan' and 'Tiger Zinda Hai'. Varun adds, “I can’t divulge anything further except that it will be a con that will stand out. We can’t wait to shoot this sequence.”