Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji is on a roll as her latest film 'Mardaani 2' has managed to garner a lot of praise for its intense and gripping storyline. The film has been inspired by shockingly true events and crimes against women by juveniles and sees Rani in a race against time to capture a brutal serial rapist who systematically targets women. Needless to say, the film has garnered massive appreciation from the audience and critics alike and is riding very high on word of mouth. 'Mardaani 2' has tremendous buzz across the country and the total collections of this riveting thriller is now at 28.05 crore nett in a week, making it a hit!
Rani opened up on the success and acclaim of the film by saying, “'Mardaani 2' is a reflection of the society and the times that we are living in and bringing up our daughters. I’m very happy that the film is resonating with audiences across the country because it has a very important message to deliver to them. Our intention was to make India aware of the new and growing threat that women and girls face from underage criminals who are resorting to such violent crimes. If 'Mardaani 2' is making people sit up and take notice of this situation then our job is done.”
Of course, Rani is absolutely thrilled at how well the film is doing at the box-office but she's even more delighted about how well celebrated the newcomers are. Director Gopi Puthran and villain Vishal Jethwa are being hailed as brilliant finds.
She says, “I’m glad that the film is doing well and thrilled with the reaction that our two debutants Gopi and Vishal have been receiving. They truly deserve all the applause and the appreciation because they have given it their all for the film. If you ask me, as a debutant, both of them have delivered a film and a performance that will always inspire them to do better. They are a refreshing addition to Bollywood and I wish they continue to delight us in the years to come.”
For Rani, 'Mardaani' franchise will always be the most special because she sees herself in the protagonist, the feisty super-cop Shivani Shivaji Roy. The iconic actress says, “'Mardaani 2' for me will always be extremely special because I’m deeply attached to the character of Shivani Shivaji Roy. Her beliefs are my beliefs, her vision for society and India are my beliefs, her way to never stop from doing the right thing and always speaking up against injustice resonates with my core.”
Rani adds, “After 'Mardaani', I was hugely looking forward to playing her again in 'Mardaani 2' and I’m fortunate that people have given me so much love for playing her. She is an important cinematic character because she stands for women empowerment, she stands against gender inequality and I hope Shivani inspires many others to do the right thing and be more self-reliant.”