01/14Here's a list of food items that will strengthen your immune system

Here's a list of food items that will strengthen your immune system

The hot weather calls for extra care for your body's health. Along with the very many infections that it brings, it only becomes obvious to have those many options to take care of your body. And one of the initial things to do to protect yourself from catching any of the viruses is to strengthen your immune system. This is the exact reason why we're here to bring to you a range of foods that you can include in your diet to help boost your immune system and keep illnesses at bay.


02/14Green tea

Green tea

Green tea contains loads about of an antioxidant called flavonoids, which is vital to maintain the health of our body. This tea also contains high amounts of another powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Because green tea is steamed, EGCG is preserved. It would otherwise be ruined if it were to be fermented. Green tea is also a rich source of the amino acid L-theanine, which helps to produce germ-fighting compounds in your T-cells.




Turmeric is popularly used in a variety of dishes, particularly curries. However, this bright yellow spice also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for many years to treat health conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. High concentrations of curcumin are what gives turmeric its gorgeous colour. It has also been found to help reduce muscle damage caused due to exercise.




Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, which can help you fight the flu and maintain the health of the immune system. Almonds are the type of nut that is loaded with this vitamin and has a high amount of healthy fats. It is also a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it needs fat to be absorbed well. If you consume about half a cup's worth of vitamin E, you will get the recommended daily amount of this vitamin.




Yoghurt is one of the best products to consume in order to give your immune system a boost. It is also high in Vitamin D, which helps to regulate the immune system. Opt for Greek yoghurt or products that contain "live and active cultures". This is what helps to tackle infections and other diseases. Avoid consuming flavoured yoghurt or one with loads of sugar. If you like it a bit sweet, add fresh fruit or honey to it. It will make for the perfect breakfast meal.




Spinach has a wealth of nutrients to help build your immune system and make it easier for your body to fight infection. It has a rich source of vitamin C,antioxidants and beta carotene. The best way to consume spinach to get the most out of it is by eating it on it without cooking it so it retains its nutrients. Although, cooking slight enhances its vitamin A which allows makes it easier for other nutrients to be released from oxalic acid. You can eat it in a salad or sandwich. Experiment with this ingredient as it can go with various products.


07/14Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are popularly consumed to help tackle that pesky cold due to their rich source of vitamin C. However, the benefit of these delicious fruits go beyond fighting off the flu. This vitamin increases the production of white blood cells, which helps to give your immune system a boost and tackle infections. You need to consume it as often as you can as your body does not produce or store the vitamin. Make citrus fruits part of your daily diet.Grapefruit, clementines, oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes are some of the fruits you can try.


08/14Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers

If you thought that citrus fruits like oranges and lemons contained the highest amounts of Vitamin C, well you thought wrong. Bell peppers contain twice as much Vitamin C as citrus fruits do and also happen to be a rich source of beta carotene. So, not only do they help boost your immune system but they also help you maintain healthy skin.




Well, if you don't like broccoli and find reasons to avoid consuming it, here's why you should start eating it anyway. It is rich in Vitamins A, C, and E as well as fibres and antioxidants, all of which contribute to a better immune system. But you do need to remember that it needs to be cooked very little if you want it to retain its amazing properties.




Who doesn't love the taste of garlic in their food? It's one of the most commonly used food in almost every cuisine worldwide and for good reason. It contains a heavy concentration of sulphur compounds like allicin that can work wonders in boosting your immune system.
