

Before we list down any food items, know that water is quite a healthy drink for many health related issues. And it is very much so for strengthening your immune system too. Keeping yourself hydrated will loosen the trapped mucus and so drinking at least 8 glasses a day helps you get rid of illnesses.




Oranges are very rich in vitamin C which is an essential nutrient that helps your body each time when you're under the weather. Vitamin C prevents common cold very effectively and also lowers the duration and severity of cold.


13/14Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is infused with probiotics that battle sicknesses and is highly packed with more protein than the basic yogurt. Probiotics help in doing away the common cold. And so, people who eat probiotics on a regular basis have lesser chances to catch a cold as compared to those who don't consume probiotics at all.


14/14Ginger tea

Ginger tea

Ginger is one of the best food items to relive a common cold. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to kill cold and flu. Inflammation is one of the root causes that affects your immune system and thus, ginger comes right in as a saviour and helps strengthen your immunity.
