11/13Shaving at the beginning of your shower

Shaving at the beginning of your shower

Shaving is going to be an eternal pain because no matter what you do the hair is going to grow back. But, you could have softer, smoother hair. The trick is not to shave at the beginning of your shower but at least 10 minutes into it. By this time, your hair softens and your pores open making it a lot easier to shave. Also, don't leave your razor in the shower as the steam will cause it to rust. Keep it immersed in some baby oil which keeps the metal from oxidizing, so it’ll stay sharper for longer.


12/13Using old sponges and loofahs

Using old sponges and loofahs

It might look like you can use that sponge or loofah for at least six more months but that's not a very great idea. Sponges and loofah's collect bacteria and mold due to the damp conditions they’re stored in and this can lead to rashes and dry patches. Ideally, these should not be used for more than a month. Ring out your loofah or sponge once you're done with your shower and store it in a dry place for keeping it in the best condition.


13/13Not moisturising immediately after showering

Not moisturising immediately after showering

Ok, so instead of rubbing your skin dry after a shower try gently patting it instead. The aim is to use any leftover moisture on your skin to your advantage when you moisturize. Three to five minutes after your shower is the best time to moisturise so this is when your moisturiser steps in. Containing natural vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, moisturisers help restore softness to your skin and should be an essential part of your skincare routine.
