11/13Build on your skills

Build on your skills

Over time and with patience, you will start to notice that you are getting better at it. That is the time to build on your skill so you can get better."The benefits build over time so if you want to see the benefits you have to practice regularly," Ellie Burrows Gluck, founder and CEO of MNDFL—a group meditation space featuring expert teachers who provide a variety of meditating traditions and techniques, told a news portal. If your mind starts to wander off, it's ok. Remember that it is normal. Focus on your breath when that happens.

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12/13Make a choice

Make a choice

The very act of making the choice to put yourself first will help you to take better control of your life. "Much like we can become consumed by thoughts and then choose to come back to the breath on the cushion, off the cushion we can use that same awareness when we become consumed by emotions and then choose to sit in our discomfort instead of reacting in a way that might cause harm to us or someone else," Ellie Burrows Gluck, founder and CEO of MNDFL—a group meditation space featuring expert teachers who provide a variety of meditating traditions and techniques, told a news portal. Adding, "Meditation is helpful because it can give us the tools to begin to become aware of how we are occurring in whatever moment we are in."

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13/13Be consistent

Be consistent

If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise regularly and be consistent to see results. That's true for meditation as well. You need to make sure you take a little time out (all you need is 10 minutes) of your day and simply sit still. Mark it on your calendar if you need to so you know at what time you have to tune everything out and go inward. "It can be helpful to keep the time of day consistent, the length of your practice consistent, and even the environment consistent—think your favourite spot on a couch or designated corner with a meditation cushion," Ellie Burrows Gluck, founder and CEO of MNDFL—a group meditation space featuring expert teachers who provide a variety of meditating traditions and techniques, told a news portal.

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