

If you love your guacamole, you should know that storing it in the fridge will only let it turn brown sooner than later. You can flatten the top later of your guacamole to get rid of air bubbled and then pour some water over the top. This way, you can keep the guacamole fresh for a little longer. You can pour the water off the top and stir when you serve it next.

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You aren't supposed to store mushrooms in the container they come in. Instead, pack them in a plastic bag or a brown paper bag before you move them to the refrigerator. The paper bag will help in absorbing the excess moisture so that your mushrooms don't get all too slimy or moldy too soon.

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You can end up getting better quality cut meat if you buy it directly from the butcher counter since you specifically ask them to cut according to your need. Also, the meat behind the counter is rather fresh than the one that is pre-packaged. The flimsy plastic or paper wrapping the meat can allow the juices to leak through. These droppings can very much contaminate other food items in your fridge. Hence, you can store your meat on the bottom shelf of the fridge. This way, the juices that flow out won't affect other foods in the refrigerator.

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Most of the time, you might just want to leave the bunch of asparagus in the thin plastic back that it comes along with. However, asparagus needs some tending to keep them fresh. The bottom of asparagus spears should be put in a shallow pool of water. You can cover the tips of spears loosely with the help of a plastic bag that can protect them from contaminating from other odors in the fridge. Other than that, you can simply wrap the bundle of asparagus spears in a damp paper towel which will help the spears retain moisture and keep them from drying out too soon.

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If you think storing bread in the fridge will give it a longer shelf life then you're wrong. In fact, your loaf will only dry up due to the chilled temperature of the fridge. Store the bread in room temperature and make sure you finish the bread in a couple of days if it's already sliced.

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A plastic wrapped over broccoli doesn't let it breathe and it can eventually start growing bacteria and slimy residue. Also, if you leave it open in the fridge, the dry air of the surrounding will suck all the crispiness of the vegetable. Hence, store the broccoli in perforated bags which are either disposable or reusable. These perforations will let the vegetable breathe while the bag will help it stay crisp and not dry out easily.

Photo credits: Google images




If you're living with the thought that spices can go on for a lifetime, you're wrong. They turn bad to and that's when they start losing their flavour. All you have to know is how to store them correctly. Storing them right besides the stove is a bad idea. The heat can cause these spices to dry out and the vapor from the stove can infiltrate the container of the spices and cause clumps. Hence, you need to store them in a cool and dry space which isn't exposed to sunlight. Keeping them in a cabinet or a drawer will help.

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Buying a fancy cheese block is only cool until you leave it in the airtight wrapper that it comes in. Cheese needs to breathe and so you're supposed to get rid of that wrapper. Another way to store the cheese right is to brush some olive oil on the cut and open sides of the cheese block. This will help the cheese to not lose its moisture and also won't catch on the surrounding air.

Photo credits: Google images




When you buy whole carrots, thy're sometimes sold with the green tops and most people would just leave them on. But just like you'd wait to wash your carrots before you use them, you must even cut their tops right away. Otherwise the carrot tops will continue to suck the nutrients from the root vegetable even after you've stored them in the fridge. This can turn the otherwise crunchy carrots into a wilted bunch.

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Thinking that nuts can last for the longest time is wrong. They can go rancid faster than you think. Hence, storing therm loosely at room temperature is an absolutely wrong thing to do. Instead, pack them in an airtight container or a resealable plastic back and store them in the fridge, You can of course store them at room temperature for three months, but if you think you're going to store them for longer, make sure to refrigerate them as that way they can go on for a year.

Photo credits: Google images
