11/24Use a marked water bottle

Use a marked water bottle

If you're someone who tends to drink really little water, make sure you invest in a marked water bottle as it can help you push yourself through sipping on water till the mark every time you remember to drink water. This way, you'll increase your water intake and get better at hydrating yourself too.


12/24Invest in a high-tech water bottle

Invest in a high-tech water bottle

If you really want to increase your water consumption, you can go a step further and get yourself a high-tech water bottle wherein you can set a reminder for regular intervals that'll help you sip on water throughout the day. This way you'll always be hydrated and also won't have to stress about remembering to drink water.


13/24Invest in a filter

Invest in a filter

Although most people already have filters at home because it's more of a necessity as compared to luxury, many people still drink tap water. And let's be honest, there's a stark difference in taste between the two. So, opt for a filter as not only will the water taste better but it'll also be a lot healthier to consume.


14/24Choose fizzy water instead of fizzy soda

Choose fizzy water instead of fizzy soda

Sometimes all we want to do is to drink something fizzy but what you need to remember is that your fizzy drink doesn't necessarily need to be soda. You could just opt for fizzy water instead. Squeeze half a lemon into it and it'll be like you're drinking lemon soda, only much healthier than the original.


15/24Drink water after every bathroom break

Drink water after every bathroom break

You can turn this into a habit. Whenever you get up for a bathroom break, try to drink a glass of water before heading to the loo. This way you'll build up a habit of drinking more water because it'll become like a routine for you.


16/24Sets goals

Sets goals

Setting small and achievable goals is a great way to cultivate new habis and stick to them. You can use the same technique to consume more water regularly. Set a goal and build your way from there. When you start to notice the positive changes it makes, it will help motivate you to keep going.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images


17/24Use an app

Use an app

If you're someone who's always on their toes then setting reminders alone won't be enough. What you can do instead is to download apps that will help remind you how much water you should be consuming in a timely manner. It'll help you stay hydrated without any hassles.


18/24Consume foods with high water content

Consume foods with high water content

Who says drinking water is the only way to actually consume water? You can also eat foods that are rich in water content. Some of these are Lettuce, Celery, Zucchini, Cabbage, Watermelon, Cantaloupe and Honeydew melon. Apart from having lots of water content, these are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your body.


19/24Set reminders

Set reminders

If you happen to be the forgetful type then one easy way to remember to drink enough water would be to set regular reminders on your phone. This way, every time the reminder chimes you'll drink a glass of water and it'll help you stay hydrated throughout the day.


20/24Drink one glass of water before each meal

Drink one glass of water before each meal

Apart from all the water that you do consume, you can add a few extra glasses to your routine by drinking one glass of water before every meal. In fact, sometimes your body even mistakes thirst for hunger so drinking water could actually help you figure out whether you're thirsty or hungry.
