21/24Add some flavour to your pitcher

Add some flavour to your pitcher

One way you'll be more inclined to drink more water is by adding some flavour to it. Throw in some freshly sliced veggies like cucumbers, ginger, celery or fruits like grapefruit, strawberries, lemon or even herbs like basil, mint, lavender and you'll be drinking more water in no time.


22/24Swap other beverages for water

Swap other beverages for water

Consuming more water may help you to reduce your calories intake and keep your body healthy. Instead of reaching for a soda or sugary drink, opt to consume water. You'll feel better and do your body a world of good. Many drinks are loaded with sugar and can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

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23/24Make use of a reusable water bottle

Make use of a reusable water bottle

Make sure to keep a water bottle by your side to remind yourself you need to drink water throughout the day. This way you'll be sipping on more water no matter what you are doing. Visual reminders are extremely powerful and can help you achieve your goals with greater success.

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24/24Know your fluid needs

Know your fluid needs

To understand how much water you should be consuming regularly, you need to be aware of your body’s fluid needs. Even though drinking eight glasses of water is the general rule many people follow, it is not based on scientific fact. Depending on your lifestyle and other factors you may need more or less than the recommended amount.Consult with a professional to find out how much you need so you can function at your best.

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