11/26Try progressive muscle relaxation

Try progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation, also known as "deep muscle" relaxation, can have a very healing effect on the body in times of stress. The body has a way of reacting to stress. This technique can help ease muscle tension and put you in a more relaxed state of mind. Picture Courtesy: Google Images


12/26Sit in a reclining chair

Sit in a reclining chair

Sometimes when you are stressed, you just need a minute or two to sit in a comfy chair and relax to reset. If lying on the floor is not your thing, sit in a reclining chair. It can be very soothing and calming for the mind. While you are in this position just close your eyes and take deep breaths.

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13/26Lie on the floor

Lie on the floor

If you are stressing out and can't think straight, get down on the floor and just lie there as you breathe slowly and deeply. Do this for at least five minutes or longer if need be. If your mind is racing, remember to focus on your beath. Try this a couple of times to see if it helps calm you down.

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14/26Say no to alcohol, caffeine and nicotine

Say no to alcohol, caffeine and nicotine

It would be great if you could completely avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine and nicotine when you're stressed but if not, at least try to reduce your consumption of these items. Instead, opt for water, herbal teas (chamomile) and fresh juices with mints as these can all help make you feel calmer.


15/26Say 'no’

Say 'no’

Oftentimes, the things that cause us a lot of stress are the things we didn't want to do in the first place. For whatever reason, you decided to say yes to something and now you are stressed about it. However, there is a way out - say no. There is a lot of power in being honest and saying no. It can also help you gain more self-confidence and put you in a better state of mind.

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16/26Keep a stress diary

Keep a stress diary

Writing can be a very healing process. Getting your thoughts on paper can help you to identify situations that may trigger stress. Make a note of every stressful event, including the time and day of the situation. You can even rate each stressful episode. This strategy can help you find ways to cope with stress.

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17/26Bond with a pet

Bond with a pet

It's no secret that having pets can help reduce stress levels in the body. But not all of us have pets. Fret not! You can always borrow somebody's pet for a walk or volunteer at an animal shelter or even just head to an animal-friendly cafe to spend time with some furry friends. It'll definitely help lower cortisol levels in your body.


18/26Get a good night's sleep

Get a good night's sleep

When you are stressed out your mind is racing making it difficult for you to think clearly and rationally. The best thing you can do yourself is rest. Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. A good seven to eight hours of sleep can help calm you down and help you think more clearly about what to do next.

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19/26Talking to someone always helps cope with stress

Talking to someone always helps cope with stress

Just talking to someone about how you feel can be really helpful. Stress can cloud your judgement and prevent you from seeing things clearly. Talking things through with a friend, work colleague, or even a trained professional can help you find that calm you need. They will be able to help you put things into perspective. Talking can help relieve built-up tension too.

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20/26Eliminate artificial stress reducers

Eliminate artificial stress reducers

Eliminate artificial stress reducers: A lot of people who face stress or anxiety regularly use artificial methods like smoking and drinking or doing drugs to cope with it. But it's no secret that these things are only detrimental to our health and provide only temporary solutions to the problem. So it's best to get rid of such artificial stress reducers.
