In today's world, owing to the difficulties in modern life people get a lot more stressed out over things than they used to before. More often than not, many people find themselves in a relationship with a person who has difficulty controlling their emotions. And this can lead to them having emotional outbursts where every conversation with them can turn into a nightmare. Most people aren't even aware of how they should deal with the problems of their partner. So, if you're amongst these people, here are a few tips that might help you out.
Reasons for emotional instability as described by two relationship experts:-
Anger issues - Most people tend to have sudden outbursts due to anger management issues. “They perceive every conversation as a stressful argument, which leads them to have a short fuse”, says Shivani Misri Sadhoo, one of the experts.
Depression - Depression could also play a role in causing emotional outbursts. “Suddenly crying or getting overwhelmed when someone disagrees with them are indicators of such behaviour,” says Dr Anil Sethi, the other expert.
Anxiety - Even anxiety can lead to feelings of uneasiness which can cause people to have meltdowns that are totally uncalled for.
Here's how you can deal with it:-
Listen to your partner - Don't attack your partner for the way they feel. Listen to their concerns and try to help them. "Let them finish and be calm. However, this doesn’t mean that you become their punching bag. If the situation doesn’t dissolve, walk away,” says Sadhoo.
Try not to trigger them - "Try to figure out what triggers your partner and what calms them down,” says Dr Sethi. Then if your partner likes to go for long walks to calm himself down, suggest that you two head for a walk. This can help him relax and feel safe.
Get help - You are not a professional and while you may love your partner, there might come a time when you can no longer do anything to help them. So, it's best that you ask them to seek help from a counsellor or else their behaviour can end up being toxic for you.