Why is it always and just the women under scrutiny when a couple is trying to get pregnant? Well, the case shouldn't be and so today, we've got all you men some tips to manage your fertility to increase your odds of getting pregnant and yes, there are a couple of things you'll could do. Take a look...
First off, manage your weight. “The healthier the body, the healthier the sperm,” says Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, co-director of a clinic in Florida. A study by Harvard School of Public Health found that overweight men were 11 percent more likely to have a low sperm count and 39 percent more likely to have no sperm at all in their ejaculate than normal-weight men. Next, ditch the cigarettes. Smoking doesn’t just affect your lungs, it can also impact your fertility. “Smoking is known to affect our sperm count, motion, and general health of sperm. Tobacco metabolites can even be found in semen,” says Edmund Sabanegh, MD, director of the Center for Male Fertility at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.
Also, make sure you are getting a good amount of sleep. A study at Boston University School of Public Health found that men who slept less than six hours and more than nine hours a night had a 42 percent lower probability of getting their partners pregnant than men who slept seven to eight hours each night. Don't be afraid to test your sperm. Women often track their ovulation at home to determine the small window each month when they have the greatest chance of conceiving. Now, men can monitor something of their very own, right alongside the women.
A few other things you'll could do would be to limit your caffeine consumption, steer clear of heat and try staying in air-conditioned places for longer and get off the couch and be active. Keeping fit is of utmost importance. Make sure to keep an eye on blood sugar and limit the alcohol and strictly avoid testosterone supplements. “Testosterone supplements trick the body into thinking it’s getting enough of the hormone, so it stops making it itself and sperm count lowers to almost zero,” says Dr. Sabanegh. The good news, though: Once you stop taking supplements, sperm count bounces back.
Well, now men, you'll can contribute significantly and intelligently too!