11/14Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is a natural immune response. However, it can be dangerous for our health if it becomes chronic. Long-term inflammation could lead to serious health issues like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Pears can help tackle this issue before it gets worse because it contains flavonoid antioxidants, which is known to help deal with inflammation. Multiple studies have found high intake of flavonoid can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.


12/14Rich source of plant compounds

Rich source of plant compounds

Pears contain plant compounds that are beneficial for our health. Plant compounds help us to maintain a healthy heart and make blood vessels stronger. Some research suggests consuming foods that are high in anthocyanin like pears can help lower your chances of developing heart disease. When you consume the pear, don't discard the skin as a lot of the benefits of plant compounds are found on it.


13/14May improve gut health

May improve gut health

Pears may help you improve your digestive health because they are rich sources of fibre. This nutrient helps to maintain a normal bowel movement. It also helps to feed healthy gut bacteria. Consuming a good amount of pears is also extremely beneficial for those who suffer from constipation.


14/14Improves digestion

Improves digestion

Pears are said to be exceptionally good when it comes to improving digestion. Just a single serving of the fruit can provide you with up to 18% of your daily fibre intake requirement. And since fibres can be really good for digestion, pears ultimately help the process move along with ease.
