11/14Use an oil-free primer

Use an oil-free primer

Acne-prone skin is usually oily and so, using an oil-free primer is a must. It will only help you absorb all the excess oil from your skin and in turn will make your skin look fresh and flawless.

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12/14Use an acne-fighting foundation

Use an acne-fighting foundation

There are foundations available for every skin type and there are foundations for acne prone skin too. Instead of buying a regular one, you can choose to use an acne-fighting foundation which can help your skin feel better.

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13/14Concealing the eyes

Concealing the eyes

Since your skin is acne prone, your face might have acne spots here and there. And sometimes, you need something more than just foundation to hide these spots. That's when you can make use of a concealer and dab all those blemishes away.

Photo credits: Google images


14/14Setting powder

Setting powder

Using a setting powder, no matter what the skin type is very important. It helps your makeup stay in place and you can worry less about your skin getting oily.

Photo credits: Google images
