11/20Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or bridge pose, helps to tone the body and help you lose weight. Reaching the chest toward the chin helps to massage the thyroid gland, which is important to help give your metabolism a boost. The action of pressing down with the help of your feet, helps you to tone your thighs and muscles. It also makes the process of digestion easier. If you spend a lot of time sitting down, like when you are in front of a computer for long hours, then this pose can be extremely helpful to your body.




Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand, may take a while to get used to at the start. But once you do, you can practise this movement with ease on a daily basis. One reason to practise this pose is that it can help you lose weight by getting your body in shape, like strengthening the upper body, abs and legs. It also helps to open the chest and make the spine more flexible. Apart from this, it also has a range of a lot more health benefits like helps you sleep better, improves digestion and can help treat thyroid issues.




If you want to strengthen your core, practising the plank pose is the best way to do it. Even though it may look like an easy asana to pull off, don't be fooled. Even the slightest adjustments can make you feel the intensity a whole lot more. To do this pose, draw the top of your head and heels in opposite directions of each other. Next, move your chest forward in between your arms. Hold this pose for as long as you can. Plank Pose, or Phalakasana in Sanskrit, helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles, shoulders, chest, neck, glute and back muscles.




Also known as the warrior pose, this asana can tone the muscles in your thighs and shoulders. For this pose, you'll have to stretch out your arms on either side and then bend your front knee so your thigh is parallel to the floor. Try to hold yourself in this position for as long as possible. And then switch sides.




The Trikonasana or triangle pose might not help your other muscles as much but it sure will work wonders for your abs. Since it features a twisting motion, it can help with your body's digestion process and it can reduce fat deposits from your belly.


16/20Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

The downward dog pose needs you to bend over in a way that you form a triangle with your body and the ground. Press your hands firmly on the floor and plant your feet in place too. Hold your body that way and don't forget to breathe while you're at it. This asana can help strengthen your arms, back and thighs.




Bhujangasana, also known as the snake pose, works on your abdominal muscles and helps tone your upper body. All this helps to reduce belly fat. It also helps to strengthen your spine and can help treat chronic pain issues. Do not practise this pose if you are pregnant or have an injury.




Matsyasana is also known as the fish pose. This posture gives your abdominal muscles a good stretch, which allows oxygen to easily flow into the lungs. Over time practising more advanced variations of this asana can help tone your glutes. It also helps to reduce constipation and improve digestion.


19/20Chaturanga dandasana

Chaturanga dandasana

When practising this pose, try to keep your body off the floor and let your hands handle all the weight. This way you give your biceps a good workout. The pose is challenging at first but over time it will be extremely beneficial to the health of your body and weight loss journey. There are many variations to this pose. Start with the basics and build your way up.


20/20Aerial yoga

Aerial yoga

This type of yoga is a combination of traditional yoga and acrobatics. Certain poses that are difficult to do on the ground are easier practised when you are suspended in air. Plus, it is more enjoyable too. It also helps to build your core and upper body strength, as well as make you more flexible. Shedding the pounds with this style will be more fun and get easier with time.
