Just as the term suggests, passive aggressive behaviour is when a person expresses the aggression passively. People sometimes find it difficult to express their negative emotions and end up expressing it with a smile on their face and let all the negative emotions rest inside them which in turn confuses others. Other people keep wondering what's wrong and the person would just not know how to react to it. Otherwise, people can turn to expressing their anger in a very non-hostile manner which also leaves you wondering of what happened. You won't realise what hit you and also won't know how to respond to such kind of behaviour. This is only because they want to express anger and when you get aggressive about it, somehow it'll suddenly become your fault because they will try to tell you that they didn't mean it in a way you took it. This is why you should pick signs and try to deal with it in these ways:
- Once you spot the passive aggressive behaviour, don't ignore it and let it go. Even if it's the first time you've noticed it, you make sure that you bring it to their notice and try to heal them instead of just avoiding it.
- Always point it out and don't think twice about it. It is very crucial to call out the person who engages in such a behaviour in order for them to stop.
- Make sure you don't engage with them because that's all that they want. They'll need the drama as well as the chaos. Hence, it's better to not engage in such a behaviour.
- Don't try and extend pointing it out. Come straight to the point and call it out but in a better way than straight up being direct. They will want to avoid confrontation and so they'll engage in this behaviour but it's your job to address the problem and make it better.
- Always let them know that you won't tolerate such kind of behaviour and that they will be punished for showing passive-aggressive behaviour and so they need to be careful.
- This shouldn't affect you. It isn't you who's engaging in this behaviour and so you shouldn't feel bad about it. If it gets too much for you to handle, just step back and walk away. It's always better to look after yourself first.