11/23Treat yourself

Treat yourself

Instead of waiting for someone else, to buy you a bouquet of beautiful flowers for you or take you out to your favourite hot chocolate place, why not treat yourself to those things. Take the time to enjoy and have experiences you would like, no matter how big or small.

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12/23Don't cut back on sleep

Don't cut back on sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things when it comes to making you feel refreshed and normal. You need to ensure that you get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night and you'll see a significant change in your mood. It is not okay to cut back on sleep. Period.


13/23Don't skip out on activities

Don't skip out on activities

Exercise is something that won't just get you physically fit but will also come to your aid for things like mental stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise is known to boost self-esteem and happiness and even a short amount of physical activity can help alleviate stress.


14/23Accept things

Accept things

Sometimes when things don't turn out the way we want them to we tend to get super frustrated. But what you need to understand is that instead of trying to fight the situation, you need to learn to accept it. For example, if you got stuck in traffic and reached home much later than you wanted to, it'll be more peaceful for you to be more accepting of the situation instead of being angry at everything else.


15/23Make new friends

Make new friends

Why do adults even stop trying to make new friends? Not everyone is going to stay by your side all the time. So, it'll only help if you made more of an effort to become friendly with more people. This way your social circle will get bigger and you'll have a bunch of different friends to do different things with.


16/23Stop shopping

Stop shopping

We're sure you know what retail therapy is but what you should also know is that it's temporary. It might give you some instant gratification but in the long run, buying things is not going to make you feel any better. Opting to act on a hobby instead might prove to be a lot better.


17/23Turn off the TV

Turn off the TV

Your TV exists to provide you with entertainment and nothing else. So, if you're watching it all day every day, it is going to make you feel lethargic gloomy. Make sure to not be watching TV when you're doing something relaxing like hanging out with your family or having dinner. Instead, invest in other things like playing a board game or reading a book.


18/23Be grateful

Be grateful

Gratitude is powerful. When you start to be grateful for things in your life, no matter how small, it will change the way you look at life and your current situation. Being thankful can shift your focus and make you more hopeful. Paying more attention to the good thing will also put you in a better mood. You may just realise you are not in a hopeless situation.

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When you start helping those who are less fortunate you're bound to feel good about doing something that actually makes a difference. Even the littlest of good deeds will help make you feel like a better person. So, no matter what it is you can offer, go do your best. Whether it's volunteering at an animal shelter or cooking for the needy or lending money to someone who really needs it, helping others will help you stay happy.


20/23Enjoy your friendship

Enjoy your friendship

Try to meet up with your close friends as often as you can. These are the people who will always be there for you and will truly understand you as a person. Stay away from negative topics like gossip and venting about problems. Try to opt for light-hearted topics to talk about so that you can distract your mind and keep yourself happy.
