21/29Make a list

Make a list

If you think you've been forgetting on important information, make a habit of carrying a notepad and a pen at all times with you. This will help you note down all the things you wish to so that you can refer to it whenever you wish to. If you have a lot of work to finish in day, list them down on a piece of paper, so that you can re-organize your time on each thing you need to finish for the day.

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22/29The 'chunking' method

The 'chunking' method

This method is exactly what the name suggests. You can simply try to remember small chunks of information from whatever you want to remember. You need to relate a few things to a single category and only remember these categories when you need to recollect them later. Categorizing whatever you want to remember makes it easier for you to get all things right in your head.

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23/29Try to focus on one thing at a time

Try to focus on one thing at a time

Our mind can have a lot many thoughts at once and this makes it difficult to remember specifically one thing. Hence, try and focus on one thing at a time so that you don't miss out on the important stuff to remember.

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24/29Use Acrostics or Acronyms

Use Acrostics or Acronyms

These are mnemonic devices that you can put to use to remember streams of words as well as phrases. You can narrow down big information into initial letters and easily remember everything that you wish to. You can also note it down somewhere so that you don't forget it.

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25/29Try learning in the afternoon

Try learning in the afternoon

As much as you'd think that learning things late night or early morning will be better for you, for more people, it's the afternoon time that works the best. Hence, if you truly want to remember everything that you read, you can simply sit to learn all of that in the afternoon hours.

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26/29Get good sleep

Get good sleep

A lot of our concentration and memory issues are dependent on how good or bad we sleep in the night. If you're someone who barely gets any sleep, it is bound to affect your brain which will eventually make you forgetful of things and important information. So one easy way to fix this is by fixing your sleep schedule and getting enough sleep so your mind is well rested and fresh every day.

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27/29Say it out loud

Say it out loud

If you wish to remember things for a long time, it's always the best to read it out loud or repeat a fact verbally. This will more likely keep the information in your memory. So the next time you wish to remember something, make sure you've read or said it out loud.

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28/29Make it rhyme

Make it rhyme

There will be times when you'd want to remember everything but your memory won't support you. And if you're someone who's good with words, you can try rhyming works and the information you wish to remember. This makes it all the more fun in your head and you'll probably recollect everything that you wished to pass on to someone else.

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If you're into reading and still find it difficult to remember, you can always go ahead and re-read all of what you wish to remember. Reading can never go wrong, this way your vocabulary will get stronger and your memory to remember will also improve.

Photo credits: Google images
