

Whenever you're craving a dip, we suggest you replace it with hummus instead. Made from beans, this dip is rich in fibres and proteins so it'll help keep your weight in check too. Plus, it tastes like heaven so that's an added benefit.




There are very few people on this planet that don't like ice cream. It's high up on the list of foods you would eat when you are craving something sweet, especially in times of stress. While it tastes amazing, consuming too much of it can have an impact on your health. If you want to reach for that tub of ice cream when you are stressed, opt for a yoghurt parfait. It can be just as satisfying and healthier too. Some studies suggest fermented and probiotic foods, like yogurt, can help reduce stress and anxiety. Picture Courtesy: Google Images




If you are going through a rough patch and stressing out more than usual, keep a bag of nuts around. You can reach out to them as soon as you feel like eating something when in need of comfort. These nuts will also provide you with the right nutrition to get you through this unpleasant state of mind. Almonds contain loads of magnesium. Insufficient amounts of it can reduce serotonin levels in the brain, which can make you feel more anxious and put you in a sour mood. Picture Courtesy: Google Images




Avocados can be extremely satisfying to consume no matter what your mood. But when you are stressed out, eating one of these can do your body a whole lot of good. Avocados are a rich source of potassium, which helps to manage blood pressure levels. It also contains vitamin B6, which can influence one's mood. “The B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, have positive effects on the nervous system. Deficiencies of these vitamins have been linked to increased anxiety in some people,” Jodi Godfrey, a health and nutrition educator, told a news portal.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images




As odd as it might sound, milk can actually come to your aid when you want to stress eat. Since milk is rich in Vitamin D and Vitamin D is linked to happiness, put two and two together and basically, milk can make you happy.




If you're craving some hot comfort food then oatmeal is just the right thing for you. Since it contains complex carbohydrates, it helps your brain produce the feel-good hormone known as serotonin. So, it'll help improve your mood in no time.


17/20Salsa and sliced veggies

Salsa and sliced veggies

Not only is this combo super delicious, but it will be extremely beneficial for your health. Slice up some cucumber and carrots. Next, prepare your salsa. There are loads of yummy salsa recipes online. Find what works for you. This mix will keep you hydrated and make you feel full for longer.




Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, which can help protect against free radical damage. They are also high in fibre. Because they are long in size, they will take longer to eat. Another bonus point is that these berries can help reduce stress-related inflammation and give your brain function a boost.




If you really want to just sit and eat for a while, grab a bag of popcorn. About three cup's worth is about 100 calories. However, it's best to check the packet. Popcorn is also a rich source of protein and fibre. One option of making it is by taking a few tablespoons of kernels and put it in a brown paper bag. Make sure to fold it well at the top before you put it in the microwave for a minute. You can even add a little spice to the mix for a bit of taste.




Pistachios are loaded with healthy fat, protein and fibres. These nuts will help you to manage your blood sugar levels. Keep this food item handy for those rough times. Eating them will be good for you and shelling will help to give your hands some activity. This way you won't eat too many of them in one sitting.
