11/27Licorice root tea

Licorice root tea

Licorice root tea is often combined with herbal and caffeinated teas because it has a very strong flavour. You could also drink it plain with a bit of honey and lemon. This combo will definitely give your energy levels a boost, as well as reduce stress. This tea has also been found to help stimulate adrenal glands and get the blood circulation going.


12/27Ginger tea

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is deliciously spicy and loaded with health benefits that are great for your body. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and helps improve blood circulation, which helps to give your energy a boost. Studies have found it also helps the body to produce compounds known as adrenal catecholamines, which helps to regulate energy levels. Ginger tea has also been found to helps athletes improve their performance.


13/27Black tea

Black tea

Good old black tea may be one of the most consumed beverages on the planet, but it is also packed with health benefits that will help give you a boost. Every eight-ounce serving reportedly contains around 47 milligrams of caffeine. However, there are some varieties that contain a lot more like60 to 90 milligrams of caffeine. This tea also contains L-theanine, which helps to keep your energy levels in control. Black tea has also been found to help reduce high blood sugar, heart disease, as well as give your immune system a boost.


14/27White tea

White tea

While white tea is low in caffeine, it is a great energy booster. The tea is less processed so you can get all the antioxidants it can offer. This tea contains antibacterial properties and helps manage cholesterol levels. It has also been found to help the body protect itself against serious diseases like cancer and heart disease.


15/27Yerba Maté

Yerba Maté

Yerba Maté is a tree found in South America. Its leaves are rich in antioxidants and also contain energy-boosting properties. It also contains caffeoyl derivatives and polyphenols, which could help reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Some studies have found it can even help people lose weight. The flavour is smoky and bitter and may be hard to adjust to at first. However, you could have it with honey or teas that have a chocolate flavour when trying to get used to it.


16/27Guayusa tea

Guayusa tea

Guayusa tea has been part of the Amazonian tradition for almost 2000 years. This tea will help you give a big boost and a burst of energy in the morning. What's more, is that it has way more antioxidants than green tea (almost 50 per cent more). It is also packed with polyphenols, flavonoids, and saponins. Apart from giving you a boost, it also helps manage cholesterol levels and maintain bone health. The flavour is earthy and smooth.


17/27Kombucha and Kava

Kombucha and Kava

Kombucha and Kava have only gained popularity in recent years. Choosing a beverage that contains these two ingredients is a great way to start your day. Kombucha has a sweet taste and comes with a little carbonation. Kava helps to give your immunity a boost. It's low in sugar and calories, but will still help to perk you up when you need a pick-me-up. It's a great substitute for soda and coffee.




When you need to de-stress or just need to unwind after a long day, opt to have a warm and soothing cup of chamomile tea. It helps to reduce stress and make you sleep better. Have it late in the night or when you need to relax. The whiff of the tea alone will put you in a better mood and more relaxed state.




This is the best tea to try if you are trying to quit drinking coffee. It tastes a lot like coffee but does not contain the addictive properties found in caffeine. Apart from tasting like one of the most consumed beverages in the world, it also has loads of benefits. Teeccino helps to improve your digestive system and you will get insulin, a prebiotic. So start your morning with a cup of hot and refreshing teeccino.


20/27Green tea

Green tea

We often feel uneasy or lethargic when we lack energy. This of course also has the possibility of having a tremendous impact on our mood. While some people opt for energy drinks, others prefer coffee to help recharge their brains and bodies. However, it's best to opt for natural ingredients instead like green tea. Apart from boosting your metabolism, it will also work wonders in giving your body all the energy it needs.
