11/23Do a goofy photo shoot with them

Do a goofy photo shoot with them

Once in a while, make sure you have some goofy time spent with your kids captures into pictures. So that once they grow old, you can sit with them and reminisce these times that you spent in their childhood. Your children will learn to live in the moment and also cherish these moments forever.

Photo credits: Google images


12/23Let your kid teach you a game

Let your kid teach you a game

You and your children can have many debates over chess strategies or while you play Battleship with them. But if you really wish to bond with your kids, let them teach you a game or two according to their rules. They love teaching you games that they want to play with you. This will bring you a great insight into how your child likes to play.

Photo credits: Google images


13/23Let them pick your outfit

Let them pick your outfit

Whenever you go shopping with your kid, make sure you allow them to pick an outfit or two for you once in a while. This will not just make them feel important and valued for their opinions but also make you dress up as something new from your basic.

Photo credits: Google images


14/23Paint a room together

Paint a room together

It might be a really little thing for you to let your kid pain a wall or two in your house, but for them, it will give them a sense of pride every single time they walk into the room. It will remind them of the time they painted the wall with you and give them all the joy.

Photo credits: Google images


15/23Stay up late with them

Stay up late with them

You can at times let your child stay up late with you as it can show that you acknowledge them being mature enough to understand that they can't misuse this privilege. It is also a great way to bond with them over movies or activities which you usually don't get the time to during they day.

Photo credits: Google images


16/23Let them plan the day

Let them plan the day

Take one day off of work and tell your children to plan the entire day out for the family. This will give them some sense of responsibility and it'll also show them just how important you feel their opinions are.


17/23Reveal embarrassing things that you've done

Reveal embarrassing things that you've done

Your children look up to you and may even start believing that you are incapable of making mistakes. This might lead to them not telling you things about themselves due to embarrasment. So, make sure to tell them about some embarrassing experiences to show them that it's okay to make mistakes and that one must always just use them as an experience.


18/23Read a grown-up book to them

Read a grown-up book to them

Reading to your kids is one of the best ways to bond with your kids. It shouldn't be an activity that you stop doing at any point. In fact, you must also try to read them a book when they're in high-school just to instill a love of literature and also give yourself some more bonding time with them.

Photo credits: Google images




Giving back to the community is one of the best feelings ever and you must teach this to your kids. Volunteering is a great way to spend time with your child while you both can together spread happiness to the world. It is one way through which your kid can learn about being generous and compassionate while bonding with you.

Photo credits: Google images


20/23Take a road trip

Take a road trip

You can go for long drives with your children when they're a little older so that they can get a chance to make some memories with you. A road trip sounds like a great idea to keep the kids entertained and also give you some time off of the routine with your kids and have some quality family time with them.

Photo credits: Google images
