Feeling down over the winter season? The colour of your eyes may be the reason why.
Researchers from the University of South Wales reveal the risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression, is high for people with brown eyes.
To understand the seasonal depression pattern, the team surveyed 175 students. Based on the results, researchers found that people whose eyes are more on the darker side were more likely to experience depression than those with light or blue eyes.
The team believes the major reason for such a stark contrast comes down to the amount of light a person's eyes can process. During winter, people with light eyes release melatonin because they are more sensitive to light. This process offers some protection against winter depression.
However, the colour of one's eyes is not the only factor involved in developing SAD. "People who spend too long indoors are also more susceptible to both winter blues and full-blown SAD," lead author of the study Professor Lance Workman told a news portal. Adding, "Fortunately for those with SAD, simply going outside for a regular walk, especially at times when it’s sunny, will help improve their mood."
If you feel you may be affected by SAD, experts suggest spending time outdoors. Go for a walk when it's sunny as it will help improve your mood. An alternative is also sitting in front of a light box for about an hour every day.