11/31Olive oil

Olive oil

Oils are never supposed to be stored in the refrigerator. They're better when kept in a cool, dry place and not under cool conditions.


12/31Salad vinaigrette

Salad vinaigrette

There are many types of salad vinaigrettes available in the market and many of them are non-dairy ones. If you're someone who buys this food item regularly, know that you're not supposed to store it in the fridge. They'll taste just as better and mix much better in your salads if they're kept at room temperature.




A lot of us have this misconception hat the ketchup always goes in the fridge. But in reality, you can leave it at room temperature if you use it on a daily basis and finish it soon. Although, you can store it in the fridge only if you use it once in a while in order to extend its lifespan.


14/31Chocolate hazelnut spread

Chocolate hazelnut spread

Store-bought chocolate hazelnut spread can go on for a long time without the need to refrigerate it. You can use it at room temperature and it even spreads evenly when it's not chilled and kept in cold temperatures.


15/31Uncut bread loaf

Uncut bread loaf

Bread is always advised to store outside at room temperature in a sealed plastic bag. The fridge can actually speed up the dehydration process and make the loaf go stale quicker than it's shelf life.


16/31Chocolate spread

Chocolate spread

We often buy chocolate spread and move it into the fridge immediately as we get home from grocery shopping. But that's not where it's supposed to go. If the chocolate spread is chilled, it will only become harder to spread it the next time you'd want to use it. Instead, store it in room temperature with a tight lid in the pantry.




Apples are supposed to be crispy and fresh, but if you store them in the fridge, they'll lose their sharp flavour and you wouldn't want to do that.




Cucumber is already a very watery vegetable and keeping it in the fridge will only make it wither sooner than its usual shelf life and will make it even more watery and pitted veggie.




This creamy fruit needs room temperature to ripen and if it isn't, keeping it in the fridge will not do any good to it. Although, after they reach the perfect ripeness, you can refrigerate it if you aren't going to consume it immediately.


20/31Hot sauce

Hot sauce

It's because of the vinegar and preservatives that these store-bought hot sauces have which makes it resist longer without getting spoiled. So you can skip storing hot sauce in the fridge. Rather leave them at room temperature because a cool temperature might lower the sauce's heat.
