Upcoming Bollywood actress Sharvari, a gorgeous young girl from Mumbai landed a huge launch deal as one of the biggest production houses of the country Yash Raj Films and India’s top film-maker Kabir Khan launched her on the same day for both 'Bunty Aur Babli 2' and 'The Forgotten Army' respectively. While Kabir is helming one of his most ambitious projects yet, titled 'The Forgotten Army' which is based on Subhash Chandra Bose's Indian National Army, YRF is also coming up with one of their biggest releases next year, 'Bunty Aur Babli 2'. Needless to say, one the actress was launched she became the talk of the town with everyone wanting to know more about her.
An elated Sharvari speaks out for the first time saying, “It was and will always remain a very, very special day of my life. To be announced as a heroine in one of YRF’s biggest films for next year, 'Bunty Aur Babli 2', and also being launched as the female lead in Kabir Khan’s 'The Forgotten Army', one of his most ambitious projects ever, and that too in the matter of a few hours, was truly a dream come true for me.”
It's also commendable that despite being an outsider, Sharvani has managed to achieve such a rare feat. And of course, the 22-year-old has also spoken about being grateful to Kabir Khan for the opportunity of a lifetime. She says, “I feel extremely fortunate that Kabir sir liked my audition and believed in me to play such a strong female character. It is a huge validation that I’m on the right track and I will continue striving hard to make a mark. I have loved his storytelling and I had always deeply aspired to work and learn from him. The fact that my first project is a Kabir Khan directorial is still unbelievable for me.”
The young artist is still in a state of disbelief that she is a YRF heroine. YRF has also signed her as a talent that they will manage internally. 'The Bunty Aur Babli 2' girl says, “I have grown up watching and loving YRF’s brand of cinema. I had always wanted to be an actor and the thought that one day I will be in a YRF film was hugely aspirational for me. So, to be signed on by them as a lead and a talent is such a special feeling. Both of these projects are huge opportunities for me to do my best and make everyone who has believed in me proud.”