01/23Avoid eating these foods after exercising

Avoid eating these foods after exercising

One of the most important pieces of advice you will get from fitness experts is about refuelling your body after a workout. While what you eat before a workout is important, what you eat after one is as important too! Your body is bound to feel tired after a workout session since all your energy gets depleted. It also becomes very important to restore this depleted energy by consuming the right kind of foods. That's why we've got a list of foods you should absolutely avoid eating after a workout session. Scroll on below to take a look.


02/23High Fiber Foods

High Fiber Foods

While there are many times eating fiber-rich foods is a good option, consuming them after a workout is not one of them. "Avoid high fiber foods—especially salads with flax seeds or kale," Laura Cipullo, RD, CDN, CDE, CEDRD, told a news portal. Adding, "They may cause cramping and bloating. Instead, find what works with your body, which may be different on different days."

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03/23Energy Bars

Energy Bars

This one might be a head-scratcher, but there is good reason to avoid energy bars after a workout. "These might have a lot of protein, which is seemingly great for repairing and building your muscles post-workout," Annie Lawless, a health/wellness expert, told a news portal. Adding, "But in reality, most of the bars on the market are mostly sugar and no more nutritionally-sound than a candy bar. And I'm not talking about natural sugar, either; many bars contain refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup, making them a nightmare for your blood sugar.

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04/23Simple Carbs

Simple Carbs

Avoid eating white bread or even pastries after an intense workout. "All that fat slows down digestion, which will do the exact opposite of what you want to happen after working up a sweat," Taylor Gainor and Justin Norris, co-founders of LIT Method told a news portal. Adding, "Consuming high amounts of sugars also will work against you if you are trying to lose weight because it slows down your metabolism."

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05/23Prune juice

Prune juice

Prune juice is actually rather good for your health but it can also serve as a laxative. And let's be honest, that really is not what you need after a workout session. "Running and other exercises can already have this effect on your body, so these foods would only exacerbate this undesirable situation," explains an expert.




As much as you might want to get a little bit of that sugar rush, candy is a big no-no after a workout session. It contains tons of refined sugars and it lacks any sort of proteins or nutrients that can aid your body in any way. So, it's best to avoid consuming anything like this that will cause a sugar rush.


07/23Raw vegetables

Raw vegetables

Raw vegetables may be a bizarre food option to avoid given the high nutritional content these veggies contain, but it's more about eating the right foods to replenish your body. "After a tough workout, you need calories, high-quality carbohydrates, and protein. If you fill up on raw veggies that take a lot of volume in the stomach and make you feel full very quickly, you won't be getting the amount nutrients or calories you need post workout," Annie Lawless, a health and wellness expert, told a news portal.

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08/23Fast food

Fast food

The last thing you should eat after a good workout is fast food. Although it might be a convenient option when you don't have time to good, it could undo a lot of the work you just did to keep your body in shape and healthy. "While you may crave salt after working out, fast food options won't be good at replenishing your body," Stephanie Mansour, a weight-loss and lifestyle coach for women, told a news portal. Adding, "You'll be consuming trans fats and basically undoing your workout."

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09/23Fatty food

Fatty food

After your workout, your body is in recovery mode. That means you have to fuel it with the right nutrients. Fatty food like oils, seeds, and nuts can disrupt the digestion process. "Fat acts to slow the digestion process in the gut and will, therefore, delay the delivery of much-needed nutrients into the muscles," Paul Roller, coach at CrossFit Outbreak, told a news portal.

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Soda is terrible for health in general so honestly, you shouldn't be drinking it at all let alone after a workout session. When you've just worked out, your body needs fluids that will help it stay hydrated. Not only will soda not do that for you, but it might also end up making you feel bloated.
