Scientists claimed to have found a way to restore youthfulness.
Researchers have developed a drug that helps the immune system clear away old cells known as senescent cells.
The team at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel conducted an investigation to understand the role the immune system plays to clear old cells - damaged, barely functioning cells that are not yet dead.
The study was conducted on two sets of mice. Results from the study conducted on mice revealed those that were given the new drug had a low amount of aged cells and lower levels of inflammation.
Researchers are hopeful this discovery could reverse the ageing process and could lead to the development of better anti-ageing treatments.
"Pharmacological elimination of senescent cells from these mice extended their lifespan," author of the study Dr Valery Krizhanovsky, a professor of molecular cell biology at Weizmann, told a news portal.
Adding, "These findings demonstrate the importance of immune clearance of senescent cells for the ageing process, as well as the relevance and the potential promise of pharmacological elimination of senescent cells in counteracting the age-related phenotypes.'"
The team will keep exploring methods to remove this type of cells from the human body. They will especially work on looking into activating the immune system to do the work.
If successful, keeping our bodies healthy, young and energetic could soon be made possible.